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Tetracycline teeth are a kind of oral symptoms. Tetracycline drugs are taken when the teeth are developing. Drugs such as chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, etc. can cause tetracycline teeth, which can cause tooth deformities. Tetracycline teeth can achieve a certain effect by washing teeth, but if the color is darker, the effect of washing teeth is not obvious. It is best to use oxidant treatment for treatment, the effect will be more Well, pay attention to oral hygiene and develop the habit of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. The harm of severe tetracycline teeth should not be underestimated Cause

Tetracycline teeth are a kind of oral symptoms. Tetracycline drugs are taken when the teeth are developing. Drugs such as chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, etc. can cause tetracycline teeth, which can cause tooth deformities. Tetracycline teeth can achieve a certain effect by washing teeth, but if the color is darker, the effect of washing teeth is not obvious. It is best to use oxidant treatment for treatment, the effect will be more Well, pay attention to oral hygiene and develop the habit of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. The harm of severe tetracycline teeth should not be underestimated Cause

When doing orthodontics, some people can't help asking: My lower teeth are quite neat, can I only correct the upper teeth? I don’t want to spend so much money, can I just correct one row of teeth? What is the purpose of correction? Think about the orthodontists we saw on the street. Are they wearing braces up and down, but almost never see a single row of teeth. Why? This is because orthodontics is not simply aligning the teeth, it is to make the teeth more beautiful and healthier on the basis of maintaining the chewing function of the teeth themselves. What are the hazards of

What is zirconia ceramic teeth Having a clean and beautiful tooth is one of the top ten health standards for modern people. It is also a status symbol and a manifestation of a noble quality of life. For a long time, metal porcelain teeth have been a quick and effective way to repair teeth, but the metal ions of metal porcelain teeth can produce adverse reactions to the human body, such as black gums, bleeding gums and atrophy. In addition, because of the existence of the metal inner crown, the light transmittance, color and shape of the porcelain teeth are

Tooth decay (we call it dental caries), whether in adults, children, or the elderly, teeth will suffer from caries. For healthy teeth, the crown is white or light yellow, and the tooth surface is smooth. If you don't do a good job of cleaning, these small black spots will appear on the teeth. One is tooth stains, which is difficult to clean; the other is deep or shallow tooth decay

The survey shows that about 10% to 65% of people worldwide have suffered from bad breath. If they are accidentally recruited, not only will they suffer the crime, but also the people around them will suffer along with it. Why is there bad breath? Let’s talk about the flavor of bad breath The taste of bad breath caused by different reasons will be different. The vast majority of bad breath is caused by the volatile sulfide produced by bacteria in the oral cavity, which is similar to the smell of rotten eggs. Bad breath caused by certain physical diseases also has a unique

Speaking of wisdom teeth, most people have extremely deep memories because it is really painful. Then a wisdom tooth is a good tooth, it hurts if you say it hurts, and sometimes it needs to be pulled out? Many people want to know the answer to this topic today. First of all, I will give you a review. What is wisdom teeth: Wisdom teeth refer to the innermost four third molars on the alveolar bone in the human mouth. Because these four third molars began to erupt just when they were about 20 years old. At this time, the physical and psychological development of

What is an all-ceramic tooth? All-ceramic teeth are actually a kind of denture, as a kind of restoration in oral restoration. The reason why it is called all-porcelain tooth is mainly because this kind of denture does not contain any metal layer and is completely made by ceramic cutting and firing. Since the inner crown no longer uses metal, it is made of high-strength porcelain material similar to the tooth color, and has the advantages of no irritation to the surrounding tissues. It has been widely used in clinics, especially in the aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth. What are porcelain teeth? Porcelain teeth, that

What is an all-ceramic tooth? All-ceramic teeth are actually a kind of denture, as a kind of restoration in oral restoration. The reason why it is called all-porcelain tooth is mainly because this kind of denture does not contain any metal layer and is completely made by ceramic cutting and firing. Since the inner crown no longer uses metal, it is made of high-strength porcelain material similar to the tooth color, and has the advantages of no irritation to the surrounding tissues. It has been widely used in clinics, especially in the aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth. What are porcelain teeth? Porcelain teeth, that

Toothache is indeed a painful thing. During the day, food is tasteless, drinking water is like acupuncture for pain relief; At night, tossing and turning, I can’t sleep at night so I can’t wait to hit the wall, Dizzy, it will go away for a while. Toothache, tooth decay, tooth defect, etc. The correct response is to look at the teeth What should be done, what should be done Usually my friends will talk about my tooth decay and toothache, but the tooth pain is even worse after filling the tooth. Did the doctor do something to my teeth, but it became serious instead of optimistic? Today