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The Difference between All-Ceramic Teeth and Porcelain Teeth

What is an all-ceramic tooth?

All-ceramic teeth are actually a kind of denture, as a kind of restoration in oral restoration. The reason why it is called all-porcelain tooth is mainly because this kind of denture does not contain any metal layer and is completely made by ceramic cutting and firing.

Since the inner crown no longer uses metal, it is made of high-strength porcelain material similar to the tooth color, and has the advantages of no irritation to the surrounding tissues. It has been widely used in clinics, especially in the aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth.

What are porcelain teeth?

Porcelain teeth, that is, porcelain-fused-to-metal full crowns, also known as metal-fused-to-metal crowns. A full crown restoration is formed by fusing porcelain powder on the surface of a metal inner crown after high temperature sintering.

Porcelain teeth have been popular for more than ten years, so many patients with missing teeth think of porcelain teeth first when it comes to repairing their teeth. However, the metal layer contained in many porcelain teeth has become a concern for many patients.

The difference between porcelain teeth and porcelain teeth

  1. The transparent appearance is more like real teeth

This is a difficult task for porcelain teeth, because the opacity of the metal inner crown of porcelain teeth requires opaque porcelain to cover the metal base, which affects the transparency of the restoration and makes the porcelain teeth appear chalky, pale, and false after beauty. , There is a “black line” caused by the metal base in the tooth neck, which affects the appearance.

All-ceramic teeth use a high-strength inner crown with good transparency and refraction to solve this stubborn beauty problem, so that the neck of the tooth can also achieve a good aesthetic effect.

  1. No wear

The hardness of porcelain teeth is greater than that of enamel, which can cause wear on the jaw teeth.

The hardness of all-ceramic teeth is similar to that of tooth enamel, which does not cause abrasion to jaw teeth.

  1. There is no “black line” problem in the gums

The metal oxidizes in the oral cavity to form gray oxides, which are scattered and deposited on the edge of the gums, causing graying and affecting the appearance; all-ceramic teeth do not have this problem.

  1. Maintain healthy gums

The metal of some porcelain teeth has serious irritation to the gums, and some people (especially women) are allergic to it, causing swelling and bleeding of the gums, and even some patients are allergic to precious metals; all porcelain teeth have basically no sensitive cases.

  1. Combination of inner and outer crowns

The combination of metal and porcelain is a weak link, and it is often seen that porcelain and metal peel off, exposing gray-black metal.

For all-ceramic teeth, both the inner and outer crowns are made of porcelain. This will not happen with the combination of porcelain and porcelain.

After comparing the clinical practice of all-ceramic teeth and porcelain teeth, it can be clearly found that all-ceramic teeth greatly overcome the shortcomings of metal porcelain teeth and make tooth restoration more perfect.

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