The Feasibility Of Periodontal Disease And Corrective Treatment Needs Dialectical Analysis
Many patients believe that if there is periodontal disease, they should not be corrected, because they are afraid that the power of correction may cause periodontal disease to be more serious. There is indeed no controlled correction force plus excessive
It’s not just about Wearing a Hoop
"Teenagers are in the period of psychological sensitivity. Tooth deformity is not only easy to cause children's psychological inferiority, social barriers, but also lead to failure to clean their teeth in place, leading to gingivitis, periodontitis and other oral diseases.
Five Differences between Adult Correction and Children Correction
With the development of Orthodontics in recent years, more and more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment to solve the tooth problems they have experienced since childhood. However, there are significant differences between adult correction and children and adolescents. Before making