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Oral Basic Knowledge: The Structure of Teeth

Oral basics: the structure of teeth

Teeth from the external shape of the observation, each tooth is divided into crown, root two parts.

Crown: the part of the tooth that is exposed in the mouth and is the main part of chewing. The anterior crowns have a labial, lingual, proximal, and distal surfaces, while the posterior crowns have a buccal, lingual, proximal, distal, and occlusal surfaces.

Root: the root is the part of the tooth that is fixed in the alveolar cavity and is also the supporting part of the tooth. Its shape and number vary with the function. Weak and simple teeth are mostly single root; Tooth function is stronger and complex, tooth crown appearance is also more complex, its tooth root is bifurcated for more than two, in order to enhance the stability of the tooth inside jawbone.

Enamel: the enamel is located in the surface layer of the tooth crown. It is a semi-transparent milky white hard tissue. It is the hardest tissue with high calcification in the tooth body tissue. 96% of dental enamel is inorganic, the rest is water and organic matter.

Dentin: dentin is the substance that makes up the bulk of teeth. It is located in the inner layer of enamel and cementum. It contains about 65 to 70 percent minerals, the rest is organic, and mainly protein and water.

Cementum: cementum is the calcified tissue that forms the surface layer of the root. It is as hard as any other bone tissue in the body.

Cementum: cementum contains 75% inorganic substance. 23 percent organic and 2 percent water.

Pulp: loose connective tissue in the pulp cavity of a tooth that contains nerve fibers, blood vessels, lymphatics, odontoblasts, and fibroblasts.

View dental products at www.dentalinbox.com.

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