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Three Causes of Discolored Teeth

1.Eating life-staining the outside of teeth

This is the main reason for staining the outside of teeth. For example, easy-to-dye foods and beverages, coffee, tea, red wine, cola, curry, red dragon fruit, etc. There are also smoking, betel nut, these actions are easy to cause staining of teeth.

More often overlooked is the long-term use of chlorhexidine mouthwashes; short-term use of such mouthwashes is not likely to cause tooth staining. If the dosage required by the doctor exceeds the dosage, it is easy to cause tooth staining.

  1. Tooth disease-related staining of teeth
  2. Traumatic tooth

Teeth trauma can cause bleeding inside the pulp. In short, it is “black and green” in the teeth. Think about it, if we walk accidentally, our arms hit the table corner “black and green”.

Tooth trauma is easy to cause the microvessels of the pulp to rupture, and blood accumulates in the pulp cavity. After the accumulated blood is decomposed, some of the pigment produced is deposited inside the tooth, which causes staining inside the tooth.

  1. Tooth decay or pulp necrosis

The cause of this type of tooth discoloration is also similar to the above. In addition to the products of decomposed necrotic pulp, some additional products of bacteria can also cause intra-tooth staining. 〈Please refer to the nursing line: Why do you want to get nervous! Dentist talks about root canal treatment

  1. Root canal filling material

Some root canal filling materials, placed in the medullary cavity, may also cause discoloration. Therefore, when the root canal filling is completed, the doctor will try his best to remove the material in the coronary medullary cavity.

  1. Metal repair materials, metal column centers, column nails
  2. Composite resin filling

Composite resin is one of the most common materials for tooth decay in modern times, and the composite resin itself will change color with time and diet; or various reasons cause micro leakage of the composite resin, and some chemicals will penetrate from the micro leakage site , Which causes staining of the dentin beneath the composite resin.

  1. Reasons related to tooth growth process-internal staining of teeth
  2. Genetic and systemic diseases.

During tooth growth and development, the structure of the tooth has defects, such as dysplasia of the tooth enamel; or some systemic diseases can also cause hemolysis of red blood cells in the pulp cavity, and the dissolved products will be affected by the developing tooth Absorption, which causes discoloration of teeth.

  1. During the growth and development of teeth, the use of certain drugs reaches a certain amount, which is easy to cause staining. For example, tetracycline, fluoride.
  2. As teeth grow and age, it is also one of the main causes of tooth color changes due to structural changes in teeth.
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