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Six Reasons for Crown Falling

Have you ever eaten a sticky candy and found it robbed the crown that your dentist just put on you? Decapitation is a common emergency in dentistry

  1. The teeth under the crown are rotten

Many people think that when their primary teeth are crowned, their teeth are bulletproof. In fact, the crown with poor restorative technology will decay, which usually occurs at the junction of crown and tooth.

  1. The cement used to fix the crown is not strong enough

This may be due to contamination or other reasons during the preparation of the adhesive. If this is the case, your dentist can usually re attach the crown to your teeth.

  1. You eat too much chewy food

As you can see in the picture above, all it takes is a jelly like belly for the crown to fall off her teeth! Over time, sticky food will gradually loosen the crown. When the crown is torn off by sticky food, it can usually be reattached to the teeth.

  1. The crown is broken

In some cases, the crown may break or fall off due to too much force. Sometimes, the crown will gradually form cracks, and finally make the sealing of the crown loose and fall off.

  1. Abuse your crown

Maybe you use your teeth as a tool, or you use your molars to put unnatural pressure on the crown. So in any case, when your crown is affected by non natural forces, you should pay attention to the combination of the crown and the original teeth.

  1. There is not enough tooth structure to fix the crown

Sometimes the teeth are very short. When the dentist prepares the crown, there are not many teeth in the crown. This condition is more common in posterior teeth with shorter wear after years of use.

Conclusion: if your crown falls off, it’s probably because of one of the reasons mentioned above. It’s best to see your dentist the first time your crown falls off.

Repairing a fallen denture is not a simple matter

Recently, there was a heated discussion in a well-known community, that is, the patient’s dentures fell off and went to a clinic to ask for the dentures to be glued back. When the doctor told him that the registration fee + material fee of 300 yuan was required for the dentures to be glued, the patient left without gluing at present.

As a matter of fact, it’s a simple little thing, but it’s a complicated big problem (it seems that there is the same logic for dentists). There are many problems involved in it, but dentists don’t take it seriously or take it lightly, which leads to many unnecessary disputes. Besides the cost, the problem of sticking dentures also includes that the dentures can’t be used or found to change after sticking back If the denture is damaged or stuck back, it will fall off again. Even if it doesn’t hurt at first, it will become a lot of problems, such as pain. Don’t think it’s just sticking a denture, or that it only costs a few hundred yuan.

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