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What are the Guidelines for the Prevention of Covid-19 in Kindergartens?

The 2020 epidemic has made people aware of the fragility of life. At the same time, people are in crisis at the beginning of the new year. Especially families with children at home are afraid that their children will be infected in this epidemic. At the same time, parents are also Very worried about the opening of kindergarten. In this regard, each kindergarten will make relevant plans in accordance with national requirements. So what are the guidelines for preventive measures against covid-19 in kindergartens? Let’s take a look.
1. Investigation before returning to school. Each kindergarten must investigate the students before returning to school. If students from the epidemic-prone area or have been to the epidemic-stricken area, it is recommended to enter the school after 14 days of quarantine.
2. Do the inspection work after returning to school. After the students return to school, the kindergarten needs to do daily check-ups, including temperature and health checks. At the same time, reduce the contact between young children and the outside world.
3. Wear a mask. After returning to school after the epidemic, teachers and students must wear masks to avoid cross infection.
4. Keep track records. Before returning to school, the health records of the teachers and students in the kindergarten must be made, and any abnormalities need to be reported in time.
5. Do psychological counseling. Children are too young. In order to avoid leaving children with psychological shadows, they must do psychological counseling so that children can actively face the epidemic.
For kindergartens across the country, they must actively respond to the country ’s call and do a good job in epidemic prevention to ensure the health of young children.

View more anti-covid-19 products at www.dentalinbox.com.

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