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What are Tartar and Calculus?

Earlier this week, a friend of mine told me a joke that made me laugh. She asked: “What is the favorite subject of stomatology students?” I told her I didn’t know, and then she blurted out: “Dental calculus!”

So what is calculus? Dental calculus, commonly known as tartar, is a hardened plaque. Tartar looks like a thick, milky white coating that adheres to the teeth between the teeth and the gums.

What is tartar and calculus?

Tartar and calculus are the same thing. Tartar is a relatively common term, and most dentists and dental hygienists will call it calculus. No matter what you call it, tartar is just plaque that stays on your teeth for a while and hardens.

Not long ago, I talked about how saliva can help our teeth repair their teeth with calcium supplements to compensate for the damage caused by eating sugar. Unfortunately, the same calcium will be integrated into the plaque and become hard tartar.

There are literatures abroad that describe the calculus as follows: “It is usually white or white-yellow, hard and clay-like, and it is easy to fall off from the tooth surface.” After resection, it can quickly recur, especially the tongue area of ​​the mandibular incisor. Color is affected by contact with substances such as tobacco and food coloring.

Where is tartar usually found?

Tartar can be found on any tooth surface or even under the gum line. There is an ordinary hiding place on the tongue side of the lower front teeth. The salivary glands under the tongue secrete large amounts of calcium, which helps the plaque harden quickly into tartar.

How can tartar and calculus be prevented from forming in the mouth?

The best way to prevent the formation of tartar is to brush your teeth twice a day and floss your teeth. Clinical periodontal disease theory says that plaque can begin to collect minerals (processes to help it turn into tartar) in a few hours!

How are the stones on the teeth removed?

Once the plaque has hardened into calculus, you need to get dentist to remove it. Your dentist or dental hygienist uses metal instruments or ultrasonic dental instruments to remove stones.

It is important to see a dentist regularly so that you can remove tartar or tartar.

What happens if you have never cleared your calculus?

If you do n’t see the dentist to remove the calculus, it will start to irritate your gums and may cause periodontal disease over time, which is the main reason for tooth loss.

It is likely that if you have tartar on your teeth, there will be some under the gum line. It is important to see a dentist so that you can keep your teeth clean and away from periodontal disease.

Conclusion: In short, bacteria attach to your teeth and grow, forming plaque. If you do n’t brush your teeth and use dental floss to clean the plaque, it will harden and become a mineralized plaque called tartar or tartar. If you do n’t remove the tartar, the plaque will irritate the gums. An important cause of periodontal disease.

View more dental handpieces at www.dentalinbox.com.

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