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Causes and Grades of Calculus Formation

The appearance of dental calculus in the mouth is mainly due to the minerals contained in human saliva, which reacts with the acid secretions in the oral cavity. The physiological needs of a person determine that a large amount of saliva must be secreted every day.

Due to the secretion of saliva, the minerals in the saliva have the conditions for long-term continuous reaction with the oral acidic liquid. As a result of this long-term reaction, acidic compounds are generated and become the cause of the formation of tooth “stone”. These reactants are easily attached to the tooth surface , Or the joints between gums and teeth, which are difficult to clean when brushing your teeth. After a long time, it becomes a stubborn derivative-calculus.

Dental calculus usually exists on the surface of the teeth at the opening of the salivary glands (such as the lingual surface of the anterior teeth of the jaw, the buccal surface of the posterior teeth of the upper jaw) and the neck of the teeth, and the surface of the teeth where the oral mucosa cannot move.

Dental calculus is soft at first and will harden due to gradual calcification. It is composed of 75% calcium phosphate, 15-25% water, organic matter, manganese phosphate, calcium mineralate and trace amounts of potassium, sodium, iron, and appears yellow, brown, or black. There are several reasons for its formation:

  1. The concentration of carbon dioxide in saliva is reduced, which promotes the precipitation of inorganic salts on the tooth surface.

Second, the phosphate enzymes of the degenerated cells hydrolyze the organic phosphorus to produce phosphorus precipitated on the tooth surface.

  1. The bacteria make saliva’s acidity and alkalinity increase to be alkaline, causing the protein in saliva to decompose, release calcium salts, and deposit on the surface of teeth.
  2. It is related to the saliva concentration. The greater the concentration, the easier it is to settle. The rate, shape and hardness of dental calculus vary from person to person. Generally speaking, it takes twelve to fifteen hours for new calculus.

Fast-forming calculus is softer and more broken than slowly-forming calculus. The resulting calculus is soft and soft, and after a period of calcification, it will gradually harden. Between derivatives and derivatives, there is a mixed state between physiological and physical. So far, it seems that there is no way in the world to remove stains and calculus from teeth except for tooth cleaning. That is, tooth cleaning is the only effective way to remove stains and calculus quickly.

Dental calculus is a foreign object to the oral cavity. It will continuously stimulate the periodontal tissues, and it will compress the gums and affect the blood circulation, causing bacterial infection of the periodontal tissues, causing inflammation and shrinkage of the gums, forming periodontal pockets. When the periodontal pocket is formed, it is easier to accumulate food debris, plaque, and calculus. This new accumulation further destroys the deeper periodontal membrane. The result of such a continuous vicious cycle ends in the tooth. The Zhou support organization was completely destroyed, making it difficult for teeth to escape the bad luck.

How to prevent the formation of dental calculus?

Brushing your teeth is a simple and effective method to prevent the formation of calculus. The deposition of dental calculus is gradually formed from few to many. Regular brushing can remove tartar and calculus that have just started to deposit on the tooth surface. Therefore, children should be allowed to brush their teeth persistently. If the calculus is thick and adheres tightly, it cannot be brushed off and must be removed by the dentist.

In addition, due to the high viscosity and heavy sugar content of fine food, it is easy to deposit on the tooth surface. Therefore, children should be warned to eat less fine food, or to brush their teeth after eating. In particular, eating fine foods such as biscuits and cakes before bedtime is not only easy to form calculus, but also can cause caries. Therefore, we must develop a good habit of brushing teeth and maintaining oral hygiene.

Treatment of dental calculus

  1. Brush your teeth

Brushing your teeth sooner or later and gargle after meals are the most important measures to prevent the formation of calculus. Use a health toothbrush, use fluoride toothpaste, use the correct method-vertical brush method to brush teeth, correct the horizontal brush method. This not only removes food debris, dental plaque, tartar and dirt, prevents the formation and deposition of calculus, but also massages the gums, promotes blood circulation, and enhances the disease resistance of periodontal tissues.

  1. Diet

Reasonable nutrition, matching thickness. Eat more vitamin-rich crude fiber foods, such as meat, eggs, various vegetables and fruits, and chew fully to help clean the teeth. Eat less sweets and sticky foods, and no snacks.

  1. Wash your teeth

Ultrasonic tooth cleaning is aimed at removing parts of tooth stones. Because calculus is more likely to cause the accumulation of dental bacteria, causing gingivitis, bleeding gums, and periodontal disease, it is a medical act to remove calculus. You need to wash your teeth 1-2 times a year.

Of course, at the same time of treatment, the stones on the tooth neck and the adjacent surface are removed, and the teeth will be slightly whitened. It is worth mentioning that at present, some people are driven by economic interests and do not clean their teeth without systematic formal learning and training. The technical level and equipment disinfection measures do not meet the requirements. Can not achieve the purpose of cleaning teeth, and it is easy to cause cross infection, so if you need to clean your teeth must go to regular hospitals and clinics.

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Grade of calculus

Clinicians and researchers often use the amount of calculus as one of the indicators for studying periodontal disease; individuals can understand the amount of calculus to measure the quality of their own brushing and use it as a reference for cleaning the oral cavity.

1 degree: a little soft dirt or calculus, but not more than l/3 of the tooth surface.

2 degrees: There are calculus, and it is more than 1/3 of the crown surface, and there are a few subgingival stones.

3 degrees: dental calculus does not exceed 2/3 of the crown surface, there are more subgingival stones.

4 degrees: The calculus is about the same size as the tooth, and it is rare in the clinic.

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