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How Many Years Can Porcelain Teeth Be Used?

Porcelain teeth are very powerful in dental restoration. Many dental problems can be solved by this method, so it is also widely used in clinical practice. However, porcelain teeth also have a certain useful life. So how long can porcelain teeth generally be used, and how can the life of porcelain teeth be extended?

  1. Quality and design of porcelain teeth

If the design of the porcelain tooth is unreasonable, the false teeth may be broken or the real teeth may become loose due to excessive force, which will affect the normal use of the porcelain tooth. The ceramic that constitutes the external shape of the porcelain tooth can not avoid its own shortcomings while providing a good aesthetic effect, which is the problem of greater brittleness. Therefore, improperly designed and fabricated dental crowns subjected to greater occlusal pressure will cause the ceramic to crack or even chip, or the ceramic will peel off from the metal surface.

  1. The biological stability factors of the materials used

In our country, the people mostly use metal porcelain teeth. The metal inner layer structure of metal porcelain teeth can not only provide reliable strength, but also have close contact with the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. The quality of its performance directly affects the physiological health of the oral cavity. The biologically stable, precision-made metal inner structure of the porcelain tooth can “peacefully coexist” with the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity, coordinate with the overall oral environment, and become a part of the patient’s oral environment.

On the contrary, alloy materials with poor biological stability and poor biological compatibility will cause adverse irritation to the surrounding tissues, and are prone to corrosion, unstable metal ion exudation, tissue allergies, etc., resulting in gingivitis, periodontitis, and gingival margins. Black lines (mainly nickel-chromium porcelain teeth), if the crown and teeth are not close together, it may even cause adverse reactions such as caries to the restored abutment.

  1. Edge sealing of porcelain teeth

Porcelain teeth are fixed on the polished teeth with cement. The gap between the porcelain teeth and the real teeth is sealed by the cementing material. Therefore, the closer the crown and the teeth are, the more the gap between the two The smaller the size, the better the preservation of natural teeth. Otherwise, the larger the gap between the two, or the low quality of the cement, will cause the bacteria to enter the gap and cause the corrosion of the natural teeth, thereby affecting the service life of the porcelain crown. The better the manufacturing process of porcelain teeth, the better the edge sealing. Porcelain teeth with poor production process have poor precision, poor adhesion, and large gaps.

  1. Patients themselves who use porcelain teeth

If you have to use your porcelain teeth to bite hard objects, or do not pay attention to oral hygiene, your own real teeth will be damaged, let alone porcelain teeth? Therefore, the service life of your porcelain teeth is largely related to your own use.

  1. Porcelain dental care is the key

First of all, in terms of diet, try not to eat too hard food, because after the porcelain tooth is repaired, it takes a certain time to adapt. If you bite the hard food before adapting, it is likely to stimulate the porcelain tooth to press on the gums and other tissues. Inflammation such as gingivitis; try not to eat irritating foods, because some of the metal inner crowns of porcelain teeth are chemically unstable and may easily react with some irritating foods in life, such as excessively acidic foods. Some ions in metal substances may be in a free state, which is easy to irritate the gums and other parts, resulting in some allergies to the human body.

Secondly, in terms of cleaning, after finishing the porcelain teeth, patients should always pay attention to the cleanliness of the porcelain teeth and develop good oral hygiene habits. In this way, the service life of porcelain teeth can also be maximized.

[What factors are related to the life span of porcelain teeth]

Many people think that porcelain teeth are permanent. In fact, they have a certain life span. The life span of porcelain teeth is related to many factors. So, what factors will affect the life of porcelain teeth?

  1. The doctor’s skills and mentality

Many friends often ignore this point and focus on the scale, grade, quality of equipment and materials used for porcelain teeth in hospitals or clinics. They usually only care about the kind of porcelain teeth they make, which contains and does not contain nickel. Technical considerations are relatively few. The skills of doctors are always in the first place. Only skilled doctors can produce high-quality porcelain teeth. If the doctor pays too much attention to the immediate economic benefits, and does not consider the actual needs and economic conditions of the patient, design a porcelain tooth that does not meet the actual situation of the patient, or even a design beyond the indications of the porcelain tooth, such a porcelain tooth The tooth life will not be long.

  1. Materials used for porcelain teeth

Good materials have good physical and chemical properties and stability, which we call biocompatibility. The metal of the inner layer of the porcelain tooth is in close contact with the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity, and its performance directly affects the physiological health of the oral cavity. Dental crowns with good biocompatibility can live in peace with the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity, and harmonize with the human body. A tooth crown with poor biocompatibility will cause adverse irritation to the surrounding tissues, such as allergies, corrosion, metal ion exudation, etc., which may cause gingivitis, periodontitis, dark gingival margins, oral odor, etc., which will affect the porcelain The life of the tooth.

  1. Daily care of porcelain teeth

The patient’s meticulous maintenance of the porcelain teeth can extend the life of the porcelain teeth, and eating cakes with porcelain teeth every day is definitely different from eating pecans every day. Therefore, you should pay more attention when eating after wearing the porcelain teeth. It is best not to eat hard food often. Pay attention to maintaining oral hygiene, brush your teeth carefully, and go to the hospital to clean your teeth regularly. If you use porcelain teeth to bite hard objects or do not pay attention to oral hygiene, the porcelain teeth will die prematurely.

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