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Those Things about Periodontal Abscess

If you have ever had a periodontal abscess-infection of the mouth, face, jaw or throat, it is likely that this is one of the most painful dental experiences. Worse, if left untreated, abscesses can actually be life-threatening.

Periodontal abscess always requires professional dental care. They occur when bacteria invade the pulp, which is the soft inner part of the tooth that contains blood vessels, nerves, and tissues. Bacteria enter through cavities or cracks in the teeth and spread to the roots. Bacterial infections cause swelling and the formation of pus (bacteria, dead tissue and white blood cells). If not controlled, bacterial infections can spread from the roots of the teeth to different parts of the body.

Common cause

The common causes of periodontal abscess are serious, untreated tooth decay, tooth damage, such as broken or missing teeth, and gum diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis. The other two reasons are persistent disease and infection after root canal treatment and infected dental fillings.

Who is at risk?

Anyone who has not had a broken tooth, exposed tooth root or deep cavity treatment is at risk of developing a periodontal abscess. People who have not visited the dentist for a long period of time are particularly vulnerable because they are likely to be treated for severe tooth decay caused by factors such as chronic poor oral hygiene, high-sugar diet or economic constraints. People who have diabetes, autoimmune diseases, or are undergoing chemotherapy/radiation cancer care treatment (or have other diseases that weaken their immune system) also have a higher risk of periodontal abscess.

Periodontal abscess symptoms

Periodontal abscess usually affects only one tooth, but if the infection remains untreated, other teeth may also be infected. In order to prevent serious complications due to non-treatment, if you experience any of the following symptoms, be sure to see a dentist:

  1. Toothache (continuous and characteristic is biting, sharp or throbbing sensation);
  2. Bitter taste;
  3. Bad breath;
  4. Discomfort/uncomfortable feeling;
  5. Pain during chewing, especially the sensitivity of the teeth to hot and cold temperatures when clenching or closing the mouth;
  6. Red, swollen gums discharge pus;
  7. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck and jaw area;
  8. Headache.

If the infection kills the tooth nerves, the toothache may stop. However, this does not mean that the infection has healed; the infection continues to spread and damage tissues. With high-grade infections, you may experience nausea, vomiting, and chills. Fever and facial swelling may indicate that the infection has spread to the jaw and surrounding tissues, or even other parts of the body. Please go to the hospital in time for treatment at this time.

Possible complications of periodontal abscess

Periodontal abscesses may produce eruptions or fistulas through the skin, leaking and draining pus into the mouth or through the cheeks. More serious and dangerous is that the abscess may spread to the bone area and spread to the entire body, infect surrounding tissues, and may damage the nerves as it travels, perforate and extend into the soft tissue in severe cases, eventually may develop into osteomyelitis (bone Infection) and cellulitis (skin infection).

If left untreated, the infection can cause tooth loss and may cause facial defects due to damaged soft facial bones. It can make you more prone to systemic problems such as diabetic attacks, blood infections (sepsis), breathing problems, heart disease and vascular infections.

An example of a serious abscess complication that requires immediate hospitalization is angina pectoris, a severe form of cellulitis that can inflame the tissues of the mouth. In extreme cases, this situation may close the air passage and cause suffocation. Infection can also spread to the middle chest area, which can have serious consequences for vital organs such as the heart. If the abscess is not consumed, it can cause sepsis, a systemic infection that can cause limb loss, organ dysfunction, and death.

In rare cases, the spread of infection to soft tissues, jawbone and other parts of the body can cause meningitis, brain abscesses and pneumonia.

treatment solutions

Without treatment, the tooth abscess cannot go away. Even if the abscess is scattered and the pain stops, you still need professional dental treatment. Common treatments include the following:

Timely treatment of cavities and traumatized teeth: The goals of treatment include draining abscesses, eradicating and preventing the spread of infection, preserving teeth (as far as possible) and preventing complications.

Antibiotics: Antibiotics kill the bacteria that cause periodontal abscesses and help the body repair teeth and bones.

Root canal treatment: This can help eliminate infections and preserve teeth. This involves removing the diseased pulp and draining the abscess. The pulp cavity and root canal of the tooth are filled and sealed, and then capped. After the infection is cleared, root canal surgery can also be recommended to remove any diseased root tissue.

Extraction of infected teeth: If the tooth cannot be recovered by root canal treatment, the tooth must be extracted. Your dentist will remove the tooth and drain the abscess to eliminate the infection. Then, your dentist will follow up by scraping all the infected soft tissue on the tip of the tooth.

Surgery: The operating room may need to expel an abscess that has spread to the mouth or neck under anesthesia. In addition, if the abscess still does not heal, or the abscess enlarges after conventional root canal treatment, you will most likely need surgery and root tip filling, and diagnostic biopsy.

Hospitalization: Serious infections of teeth and jaw, secondary infections and complications of the body may be life-threatening, requiring emergency room or long-term hospitalization.

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