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What’s the Cause of the Pain of the Braces?

Teeth are a sharp tool for grinding food, and can also reduce the burden on the stomach, but teeth are very important to the human body. In life, many people suffer from tooth decay due to their bad eating habits, and then suffer from pain. At this time, many people will choose to crown their decayed teeth. I think it’s OK to have crowns and teeth. In fact, it’s not the case. If the crowns and decayed teeth are not well bonded, they are still very painful in the process of occlusion, and if they are not well bonded, leading to local infection, inflammation and other reasons. What’s the reason?

It is often believed that the teeth will not hurt after they are fitted with braces (or crowns). But in fact, braces are as painful as other teeth. This kind of toothache can occur just after the crown is installed, even a few years later.

Tooth filling material and occlusal change

Soon after the installation of braces, toothache is often related to the bonding process or uneven occlusion. The material that binds the crown relies on acid primers, so it stimulates the nerves of the teeth. This can cause pain or temporary sensitivity that lasts for several days or a year. The new braces will also cause pain when the teeth are not occluded normally, and will last until the crown is filed flat.

Decayed teeth under the brace.

Despite the protection of the braces, it is still possible to develop new cavities at the edges of the teeth and crowns in the same form as cavities at the edges of the fillings. In addition, the buildup of tartar in this area can also lead to cavities. If cavities extend under the braces or into the teeth, nerve tissue can become infected and painful. Putrefactive bacteria touch nerves, and nerve infections often require root canal treatment. During the treatment, a small hole is drilled in the socket, through which the nerve and surrounding infected tissue are removed.

Root death and root fracture

When the teeth with deep or large cavities are fitted with braces, the nerves will also be damaged due to previous tooth problems. This can cause local infections – abscesses, which usually require root canal treatment. In some cases, the infection will still recur after treatment, and further treatment such as replacing the braces is needed. Of course, like other teeth, braces sometimes break and need to be removed.

Gum problems and adhesion failure

The gums around the braces shrink over time, exposing the roots and being sensitive to heat and cold. Gingival atrophy is often related to excessive brushing. Plaque is easy to accumulate in the atrophic area of gingiva, which leads to painful gingival infection. Some people’s braces will also have adhesive leakage, which may also be the cause of toothache.

Therefore, the professional doctors of the regular institutions must be examined when installing the braces. The dentist will find out the cause and take corresponding treatment measures.

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