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Tooth Decay Also Inherits

Tooth decay is a common disease in life. Experts point out that understanding what causes tooth decay is of great help to the treatment and prevention of tooth decay. So what is the cause of tooth decay? Here is a brief introduction to everyone.
1. Genetic factors. If both parents have recurrent cavities, about 80-90% of their children will be sick. If one of the parents has this disease, about 50-60% of their children will be sick.
2. Endocrine changes. Some female patients tend to develop during menstruation, which may be related to a decrease in the amount of estrogen in the body. Some women will have tooth decay every menstrual period or before and after menstruation, which can only be relieved temporarily with medication. The menstruation will still appear as usual next month and the pain will be intolerable. At the same time, it is often accompanied by dry mouth, upset, irritability and stool Annoying symptoms such as dry knots. Clinical studies have found that tooth decay during menstruation is mainly due to increased progesterone levels in the body and reduced levels of estrogen (progesterone, etc.).
3. External factors such as tooth shape, structure, location, oral hygiene, amount and properties of saliva, nutrition, endocrine, genetic factors, systemic diseases, immune status, etc., are also causes of tooth decay.
4. The body’s resistance has a great influence on the occurrence of tooth decay. The body’s resistance includes the anti-caries ability of the teeth and the whole body. Internal factors of the body can affect the occurrence of tooth decay. Especially when protein, minerals and vitamins are lacking, it can help tooth decay.
There are many factors that cause tooth decay. We must take precautions to prevent this from happening. So how to prevent tooth decay?
1. Children under 15 should pay attention to reasonable nutrition. Especially eat more foods containing phosphorus, calcium and vitamins. For example, soy beans and legume products, meat and bone soup, dried shrimp, kelp, egg yolk, milk, cod liver oil, and fresh vegetables and fruits with a lot of vitamins and minerals. These foods have great benefits for tooth development and calcification. .
2. Properly choose some rough, fiber-rich foods in the diet, so that the tooth surface can be better rubbed, promote the cleaning of the tooth surface, and thus constitute a good condition for anti-caries.
3. To brush your teeth in the morning and evening, and gargle after meals, especially before bedtime, is more important to reduce the accumulation and fermentation of food residues.
4. Apply fluoride. Fluorine can prevent dental caries, which has been scientifically proven. Whether it is the local application of fluoride on the tooth surface or the control of the fluorine content in drinking water, it has a significant anti-caries effect. In the diet, if you can choose some fluorine-containing foods, such as tea, lettuce, cabbage, shallots, etc., it can also have a certain effect. The Chinese generally have the habit of drinking tea. The fluoride in the tea has a long-term contact with the tooth surface and allows the human body to obtain a certain amount of fluoride. This can be used to locally apply fluoride to the teeth and add fluoride to drinking water. The same anti-caries effect. In the process of applying fluoride to prevent dental caries, it is necessary to prevent excessive fluoride, especially in childhood, because excessive fluoride can hinder tooth development and sometimes cause systemic fluorosis.
Keep your teeth clean at all times. After eating, remove the dentures and wash them with water, rinse them, and wear them to prevent food residue from depositing on the tissue surface of the dentures and irritating the mucous membranes. Before going to bed, remove the dentures, wash them with soap, toothpaste, baking soda, tooth powder, etc., and soak them in cold or warm water (not soaked in boiling water or alcohol) to avoid dry deformation.
The joints between the porcelain teeth and the abutment teeth are prone to gather plaque and form tartar. Care should be taken to clean them. Floss between the teeth can be cleaned and regularly inspected and cleaned at the hospital.

View more dental handpieces at www.dentalinbox.com.

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