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Study on the Causes of Implant Tooth Loss

Implant teeth are known as “the third tooth of human beings”. The tiny titanium metal roots replace the natural roots. They are carefully implanted into the bone under anesthesia. These tiny titanium metals are combined with the patient’s bone.

Although there are many advantages in implant tooth restoration, it can not be said that the implant tooth can be repaired once and for all without maintenance, because the implant tooth is not omnipotent, it may also fall off. Besides, our real teeth will fall off for various reasons! What causes implant teeth to fall off?

In recent years, artificial dental implant has been widely used, and become one of the main methods of tooth restoration for many customers. However, reports show that the number of planting failures has also increased. Although implant surgery is less traumatic, its success is related to many related factors.

  1. Systemic factors: Diabetic factors: due to the disorder of metabolism in the body of diabetic patients, the blood sugar in the body is conducive to the growth of bacteria, resulting in the increase of infection rate and the increase of failure rate; hyperparathyroidism leads to the abnormal metabolism of blood calcium, often resulting in osteoporosis, affecting bone union.
  2. Living habits: smoking has been considered as one of the risk factors for long-term use of implants. Nicotine in tobacco can stimulate sympathetic nerve and cause vascular intimal damage. Tobacco can also reduce the absorption of calcification and lead to osteoporosis, affecting osteogenesis and calcification of bone; quitting smoking during the healing of implants is conducive to the osseointegration of implants. In addition, biting hard objects, side chewing, collision in motion (improper protection) can also cause fracture of implant and surrounding bone tissue.
  3. Failure of implant osseointegration: the bone around the implant is insufficient, the implant is loaded too early, the early inching of the implant and the infection after the operation can lead to the failure of early osseointegration. It is important to reduce the trauma of implant bed during the operation. Mechanical trauma and thermal burn are important factors that affect the success of implant. The critical temperature of bone tissue tolerance is 47 ℃. The high temperature of bone tissue is one of the reasons for the early failure of implants. Although the failure of implant osseointegration is the most common complication of implant treatment, with the continuous renewal of implant surface treatment and the continuous improvement of clinician technology, this kind of complication is less and less.
  4. Peri implant mucositis: after successful bone healing of implants, it does not mean that they will be safe in the future. Just like natural teeth, implant teeth also need maintenance. Plaque will be formed on the surface of natural teeth and implant prostheses, which will cause the defense reaction of human body and lead to the inflammation of soft tissue. Gingivitis is caused in natural teeth, while peri implant mucositis is called in implant prosthesis. Peri implant mucositis can be characterized by congestion, softness or hyperplasia of soft tissue, even mucosal erosion and ulcer. At the same time, there is a bad smell in the mouth. In clinical exploration, bleeding is detected, and the depth of detection is increased. Patients can reverse the lesions after timely treatment. However, if the stimulation of plaque persists for a long time, the mucositis can continue to develop into periimplant inflammation.

Peri implant inflammation (similar to the periodontal disease of natural teeth) is an inflammatory process that affects the peri implant tissues that have formed bone nodes and perform their functions. It can lead to the loss of supporting bone and failure of bone binding. Peri implant infection and periodontal infection are related to plaque control level. The main reasons are poor oral hygiene habits, long-term plaque accumulation, overload and smoking. The continuous development of peri implant mucositis can also cause periimplant inflammation. Therefore, we should get up early to prevent, get up early to treat, and deal with the causes in time.

  1. Implant repair and overload: due to the direct contact between the implant and bone, there is no periodontal membrane structure between the two, so the lack of periodontal membrane has a buffering effect on the natural teeth, which is easily affected by improper bite force. The improper design of the upper structure is an important reason for the failure of implant repair. The improper design of the occlusal surface will cause uneven stress distribution around the implant Large lateral force. In addition, too much implant load will aggravate the destructive power of infection, which may lead to significant alveolar bone absorption.
  2. Loosening of foundation pile: the reason for the loss of this kind of implant is due to the improper operation of dental implant doctors. At this time, the restoration is not separated from the implant, and the rotation of the restoration is loose. At this time, the gap between the foundation pile and the implant can be seen.
  3. Broken foundation pile: the main reason for this situation is the poor quality of the implant. At this time, the implant foundation pile, along with the restoration, is separated from the implant. A part of the foundation pile is broken in the implant, and the broken end of the foundation pile can be seen.
  4. Hospital and doctor’s technology: for dental implant surgery, it is necessary to find a professional doctor in a regular medical institution, and take good care in strict accordance with the doctor’s instructions to achieve the desired desired effect.
  5. In addition, biting hard objects, chewing sideways, collision (improper protection) during movement will also cause fracture of implant and surrounding bone tissue.

In a word, compared with other methods of tooth restoration, implant restoration is more complex. Apart from doctor factors, the above reasons can determine the success of implant restoration. Therefore, implant dentures must choose regular hospitals and professional doctors.

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