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Short Answer to Hot Tooth Gum Root Canal Filling Questions

According to the questions of hot tooth gum root canal filling, 17 common questions to give you a deeper understanding of hot tooth gum:

  1. What is the difference between the effect of side cold tooth glue method and hot tooth glue vertical pressure filling?

Lateral pressurized root canal filling is most suitable for continuous taper and relatively regular root canals. Hot toothpaste vertical pressurized filling is better for irregular root canal sealing.

  1. What are the main methods of hot tooth gel vertical pressure operation technology?

1) Intermittent thermal compression root canal filling

2) Continuous wave thermal pressure technology

  1. Why are more and more doctors choosing to use hot tooth gel vertical compression technology?

Because these doctors unanimously agree that the hot tooth gel technology can better apply lateral pressure to the root canal wall during filling, and it is easier to close the lateral root canal and improve the treatment effect.

  1. Why does closing the lateral collateral root canal improve efficacy?

Lateral root canals in the root canal system are difficult to completely clean during root canal preparation. If the root canal filling material is compressed, the residues in the lateral root canals can be squeezed out as far as possible to the periapical membrane, although there may be short-term Postoperative response, but the body’s defense system can eventually be cleared. There will be no residual collateral root canal irritation that will continue to cause irritation to the root canal, reducing the chance of root canal treatment failure.

  1. Is there any requirement for hot canal gum preparation for root canal preparation?

There is no special requirement, as long as the debridement is clean, the main shape of the root canal is a continuous taper and there is a “resistance shape” at the apex.

  1. Can root canals be inserted into more root canals if the cross section is oval or irregular?

Yes, you can use side pressure

  1. I have used the hot vertical pressurization technology, but there will still be poor results. Why?

Neither method guarantees success. However, please note: The main reasons for the unsuccessfulness are poor preparation of the root canal and residual infection. If so, no matter which method of filling is meaningless.

However, it is recognized that the hot tooth gel method has better sealing.

  1. Is hot tooth glue vertical compression technology easy to learn?

Skilled workers! Many doctors rarely use cold side compression after filling.

Nine, will the hot tooth gel technology cause periapical scald burns?

Proper operation will not. Technical requirements The heating head in the root canal cannot be heated for 4 seconds.

  1. Is hot toothpaste easy to cause overfilling?

As long as the apical region is made resistant, it is not easy to overfill.

  1. Does hot tooth gel technology still need to use paste?

It is necessary to wipe the root canal wall with toothpick tip dipped in paste.

  1. Is hot tooth gel technology more likely to cause root fissure than lateral pressure?

Root fissures are more likely to occur when wedge forces are present in the root canal. So it’s not easy.

Thirteen, in some special root canal conditions, simply using hot tooth gel filling can not be filled, what should I do?

As long as the main root canal can be prepared standardly, there will be some “mutation” or “hybridization” schemes. I ca n’t answer Jane, sorry.

  1. Which of these two technologies will operate faster?

Hot Teether Technology!

  1. Is the cost of hot teether technology high?

Different, some brand costs will be high, and some brand costs are low.

  1. How is the development of hot teether overseas?

In the United States, the vast majority of cases use hot teether technology.

  1. How are the fees for hot tooth gel technology determined?

As appropriate, considering the cost increase and better quality results, it is recommended that the hot tooth gel technology be higher than the conventional charge.

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