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Sandblasting is the further cleaning of teeth with pearl salt and high-pressure water. Ultrasonic washing of teeth can only shake down large tartar in the oral cavity, and sandblasting can clean up the tea stains, smoke and food soft dirt that are attached to the teeth. The sandblasted teeth are very smooth and it is not easy to deposit tartar again. Therefore, tooth washing and sand blasting should be combined.


Sand blasting can improve the gloss of the teeth and help the aesthetics of the teeth.

Many people are enthusiastic about the whitening of teeth, but so far only porcelain teeth can really achieve the consumer’s purpose. However, porcelain teeth are expensive, and large-area grinding of the teeth is required before installation, which is only suitable for those who have been necrotic tooth.

Consumers whose teeth are healthy but who are just pigmented do not need to spend money to suffer, so I urge everyone to put their minds on the right side and don’t pursue the aesthetics of their teeth too much.


  1. After blasting, the teeth will be a little sensitive to hot and cold and feel sore. These symptoms are temporary and usually disappear in about a week. If the sore symptoms persist, consider using some commercially available anti-allergy toothpaste, which generally improves for more than a month.
  2. After sandblasting, please do not suck or lick with your tongue, and touch your gums with your fingers. Do not use dental floss or toothpicks within a week to prevent accidental bleeding. For example, after sandblasting for some time, , For some reason, there is a sudden bleeding phenomenon. Please seek medical treatment in time.
  3. After sandblasting and washing your teeth, please do not eat too spicy or sour food for three days. One or two months after cleaning your teeth, some people with sensitive constitutions may experience cold, hot, sour and sweet irritation. Allergies and discomforts, this is a normal individual reaction. Do not worry too much. If the symptoms continue to worsen and cannot be alleviated, please return to the clinic promptly.


Sandblasting is using high-pressure air to spray special silica salt sand to the tooth surface to remove the attachments on the tooth surface that are not easy to scrape off. These granular salts melt into the mouth. Sand blasting can instantly clean up the tea stains, smoke stains and soft food stains that are attached to the teeth, and can clean the tooth surface crevices that the ultrasonic dental scaler cannot reach. Sandblasted teeth are very smooth and tartar is not easy to deposit again, so washing and sandblasting can be combined.


Experts point out that the most important function of sandblasting is to polish the teeth. After the ultrasonic or manual cleaning, the patient’s tongue generally feels rough and uneven; after the sandblasting, the teeth are rough and uneven. No more. Sandblasting not only polishes the outside of the teeth, but also polishes the teeth between the teeth. Plaque and pigment are not easily attached to the polished tooth surface. If it is a person who smokes and drinks frequently, the effect of sandblasting is more significant.


The ultrasonic wave of tooth washing can only shake down a large calculus in the mouth. The sandblasting scaler can gently remove tartar and plaque in an instant, and it has almost no damage to the enamel during the cleaning process. It will not be like an ultrasonic scaler. The blade of the knife left subtle marks on the enamel surface. It also reduces the discomfort caused by the vibration of the ultrasonic scaler (often hyped up as “painless tooth washing”).

First, completely clean tartar

Sand blasting can clean up the tea stains, fumes and soft food dirt that are attached to the teeth. The sand blasted teeth are very smooth and difficult to deposit tartar again. Therefore, tooth washing and sand blasting should be combined.

Second, get rid of tooth surface pigments

Using special sandblasting particles, the particles are sprayed on the tooth surface at high speed by a high-pressure air gun, so as to remove the pigmentation such as smoke spots, tea stains, coffee stains on the tooth surface.

Third, improve tooth gloss

Sand blasting can improve the gloss of the teeth and help the aesthetics of the teeth.


It is only a method to help remove small pieces of pigment or residual fine calculus. It cannot remove large pieces of calculus. This method is mainly used in ultrasonic scalers or manual scalers. There are often small pigment spots and tartar residues after cleaning. On the teeth. In addition, the gums bleed easily due to sandblasting, but they will recover over a long or short period of time.

View more dental handpieces at www.dentalinbox.com.

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