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Oral Health Measures for the Elderly

(1) Keep your dentures clean: If you wear removable dentures (dentures), you need to clean them every day. Please follow the instructions of your dentist and use special denture cleaners and water to clean your dentures.

(2) Dry mouth will affect your comfort when eating, talking, swallowing, chewing and smiling. Dry mouth occurs when there is not enough saliva to wet the mouth. Saliva can weaken the cariogenicity of acidic substances, and can also play a role in self-cleaning the mouth. Smoking, drinking alcohol, the use of certain drugs, and some diseases may cause dry mouth. Chewing sugarless gum or sucking sugarless hard candy can stimulate saliva production. Drinking water when eating to help chew and swallow food will help relieve dry mouth. Using non-alcoholic mouthwash, moisturizing mouth spray or gel, or artificial saliva can also relieve dry mouth.

(3) The health of the temporomandibular joint is very important for maintaining mandibular stability. Failure to repair or loose or overuse dentures after missing teeth may increase the risk of mandibular dislocation. If you have loose teeth or improper dentures, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

(4) Refusal to use tobacco: Regardless of whether you smoke or not, tobacco in any form is dangerous. Tobacco will not only increase the risk of gum disease and oral cancer, but also cause tooth pigmentation, oral odor, premature tooth loss, and dry mouth. , Loss of taste and smell.

(5) Avoid drinking: Excessive drinking is the main risk factor for many diseases including oral diseases. The acidic and high-sugar components in most alcoholic beverages can corrode teeth or cause caries.

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