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If Your Teeth are Sensitive to Heat or Cold, Remember not to Handle It Yourself

The problem of tooth sensitivity is actually very common. An oral health survey found that about half of adults claim that their teeth are allergic to cold and heat. Other literature also pointed out that it is estimated that more than 40% of the world’s population is affected by tooth sensitivity, which shows that the situation is quite common.

Teeth sensitivity is mainly caused by exposed ivory. If the enamel of the crown or the gums and cement on the root surface are worn or lost, the tooth loses its protective layer and the inner dentin is exposed. The ivory is covered with tiny channels, and these channels have hidden nerve endings. When the teeth are directly stimulated by outside, such as eating and drinking hot and cold sweet and sour foods and drinks, or touching the teeth while brushing and flossing, it will touch the nerve endings in the pipeline, and the patient will feel a tingling pain.

The causes of exposed ivory include using a toothbrush with excessive bristles or excessive brushing, which causes the enamel to be eroded; frequent eating and drinking of highly acidic foods and drinks leads to the erosion of the enamel; frequent grinding of the teeth results in abrasion of the enamel; periodontal disease or cause With age, the gums shrink, which exposes the tooth roots; and when periodontal disease patients are treated with root curets, the tooth roots are less covered by cementum.

Half of adults choose to handle it by themselves

Half of the adults ignore the symptoms of tooth sensitivity and will not take any action. There are also nearly 40% of adults who choose to handle it by themselves. The most common treatment is to buy anti-allergic toothpaste to relieve the symptoms of tooth sensitivity. The symptoms of tooth sensitivity are very similar to other oral problems, such as tooth decay, periodontal disease, broken teeth, etc. Therefore, when the tooth is stimulated by hot and cold sweet and sour food and drinks, the patient should not deal with it by themselves. A dentist should be checked as soon as possible to diagnose the cause of tooth sensitivity, because blindly using anti-allergic toothpaste not only can relieve symptoms, but also delay diagnosis and treatment.

Consult your stomatologist before using anti-allergic products

Does using anti-sensitive toothpaste help? Anti-allergy toothpaste mainly reduces tooth sensitivity through two methods:

  1. Disturb the conduction ability of sensitized nerves;
  2. Close the micro pipes exposed inside and outside of ivory.

The main ingredients contained in different brands may be different, such as potassium nitrate (Potassium Nitrate) or arginine (Arginine), etc., their effects are also different in individual people, generally need to continue to use anti-allergic toothpaste for four to eight weeks The more obvious effect. However, as mentioned earlier, because the symptoms of tooth sensitivity are very similar to other oral problems, you should consult your dentist before use and make a detailed inspection to determine the cause of tooth sensitivity before you can take the medicine.

When the dentist finds out what causes the sensitivity of the teeth, he will take appropriate treatment according to the situation. For example, apply a high concentration of fluoride on the tooth surface or fill the patient’s teeth. If tooth sensitivity is caused by molar grinding, the dentist may formulate a “dental care gel tray” for the patient to reduce the continued loss of teeth due to molar grinding.

Good habits prevent sensitive symptoms

Since tooth sensitivity is mostly related to oral hygiene and eating habits, we can practice the following good habits to help prevent tooth sensitivity. First, choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and avoid excessive brushing; second, avoid frequent high acidity. Food and drinks; the third is to avoid chewing hard foods such as bones, hard shells, etc .; the fourth is to use adequate sleep and moderate exercise to relieve the stress of life and reduce the molars; finally, see your dentist regularly In order to diagnose and treat sensitive teeth as early as possible.

View more dental handpieces at www.dentalinbox.com.

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