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How to Maintain Your Dental Crown?

The crown can restore the beauty and function of the tooth by placing a porcelain, gold or metal shell on the tooth. The life of your crown depends on the type you choose and how you maintain it.

Porcelain crowns are the most common type of dental crown because their manufacture exactly matches the color of your natural teeth. Not to mention, porcelain crowns can last for many years. However, just like your real teeth, if you want to keep it healthy and functional for years to come, you need to take care of your crown.

During the period when you are wearing the crown temporarily, you should brush your teeth as usual, and be careful when using dental floss to prevent the crown from falling. Within a few days after treatment, you may have some allergic reactions to cold foods and allergies to your gums. Washing with warm water will help ease any discomfort.

Once your permanent crown is bonded, you still need to maintain good crown maintenance practices to ensure that your crown remains in good health.

After fixing the crown’s initial position, you may feel some sensitivity to cold food and drinks. You can counteract this sensitivity by using sensitive toothpaste, such as comfort toothpaste, which has a good effect on sensitive teeth.

The crown strengthens the visible area of ​​the tooth above the floss. You need to take extra precautions to ensure that the area between your gums and crowns is healthy with proper dental care. Although tooth decay does not occur in the crown of the prosthesis itself, it is still easy to tooth decay near the gum line, where natural teeth can be seen.

To keep your teeth and crowns healthy, you need to continue to brush your teeth and use dental floss. Use fluoride rinses and fluoride pastes to strengthen the enamel and prevent root decay. This is especially true for patients with a history of periodontal and dental caries. important.

Although ceramic crowns are very strong and can withstand natural occlusal forces, they still run the risk of breaking like natural teeth. You can protect your crown by reducing chewing ice or other substances that can damage your teeth.

In fact, one of the easiest ways to use crowns for a long time is to go to the dentist regularly for examinations. The dentist will be able to assess any signs of damage to your crown and lower teeth structure, and clean and cure in time to prevent any potential problems.

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