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How Long can You Eat and Drink Casually after Tooth Washing?

Many people don’t care after they wash their teeth. They don’t pay attention to the nursing work after they wash their teeth. They eat what they want,. In fact, this is a completely wrong way to do it. Remember: it’s not advisable to eat and drink in the sea immediately after you wash your teeth. And after washing teeth, not only do you need to do a good job in tooth care, but also some food is not edible. Friends who want to wash their teeth must pay attention to it.

  1. Temporarily eat less overcooling and overheating after tooth washing

Some patients will have tooth sensitivity after tooth washing, which is mainly before scaling, the exposed root is surrounded by calculus, cutting off the hot and cold stimulation. In order to reduce pain, you can avoid contact with super cooled and over heated food in a short period after scaling, so that the teeth have an adaptive process, and the symptoms will be relieved.

  1. Temporarily eat less dark food after tooth washing

As the newly washed teeth are easy to get color, do not eat dark food such as chocolate, ketchup, soy sauce, dark drinks such as tea, coffee, cola and try not to smoke for 1-2 weeks after tooth washing.

  1. Do not eat stimulating food

Do not eat too spicy or too acid cold food within three days after tooth washing. In one or two months after tooth cleaning, some people who are physically sensitive may have teeth allergic to cold, heat, acid, sweet and other stimuli. This is a normal individual reaction. Do not worry too much. If the symptoms continue to aggravate and cannot be relieved, please see your doctor in time.

  1. It is better to polish after tooth washing

Many people feel that everything is going well after they wash their teeth. In fact, there is an important link after they wash their teeth – polishing, which can make the teeth completely clean. Because after cleaning, there are often pigment left behind and fine calculus hard to distinguish with the naked eye. Under the catalysis of calcium salt in saliva, the calculus will deposit faster than before. It is necessary to polish the tooth surface with a polisher to make the teeth bright, so as to achieve the goal of delaying the pigmentation. However, the irregular dental clinic usually only does the preliminary tooth washing work instead of polishing Procedure of tooth surface.

  1. Do not suck

Do not suck or lick with your tongue or touch the gums with your fingers after washing your teeth. For example, after cleaning your teeth for a period of time, there will be bleeding for some reason. Please see a doctor in time.

  1. Desensitization toothpaste can be used for the pain after tooth washing

Healthy teeth will not have the feeling of pain after washing, but some people have calculus on the surface of their teeth, which destroys the enamel on the surface of their teeth. Once the calculus is removed when washing their teeth, the enamel will be exposed in the mouth, and the feeling of pain will appear. If the calculus adheres more, the enamel will be damaged more severely, and the pain will be strengthened.

  1. brush your teeth regularly.

The teeth will often look longer after washing, and the gap will also be larger. This is mainly because the inflamed tooth flesh is no longer swollen, and the tooth flesh is restored to health. In addition, although the teeth become clean after tooth washing, if the cleaning is ignored, the calculus will grow again soon, so you should brush and floss frequently.

In order to protect teeth, it is very important to do a good job in cleaning and protecting teeth. Just like washing teeth, if we just rely on the doctor to clean the teeth and don’t pay attention to the care, then the washed teeth will soon get dirty and even have more problems, so we can’t ignore the postoperative care of washing teeth.

View more dental handpieces at www.dentalinbox.com.

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