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Do Wisdom Teeth Have to be Removed? Mainly Depends on these Five Factors

Visiting a dentist is definitely the biggest problem for many people in this life, and the mention of “wisdom tooth extraction” makes many people frightened. Even if they have no experience in wisdom tooth extraction, they have heard from friends around me describing how painful it is to extract wisdom teeth. Surgery; do wisdom teeth have to be removed?


The third largest molar easily becomes a clean dead corner

The wisdom teeth in everyone’s mouth are the third largest molars. Due to the evolution of mankind, the lower jaw is getting smaller and smaller. Some people are born with a lack of the third largest molar, so there is less worry about whether to extract a tooth. If the third molars are developed, the wisdom teeth cannot grow in the upright position due to the lack of space in the lower jaw, which often results in a clean dead angle.

Accumulation of bacteria and food residue

It is common clinically that wisdom teeth have not grown, and there will be a relatively deep and thin groove between the previous second largest molar, causing bacteria and food residues to accumulate here, causing tooth decay, periodontal inflammation, and bone destruction. Even the formation of cyst lesions, or cellulitis with a higher risk.

If the upper jaw wisdom teeth are deeply embedded, it may be as high as the sinuses. If there is a sinus perforation after removal, additional repair operations are required to avoid oral and sinus communication or chronic sinusitis. Therefore, when evaluating whether to extract a tooth, in addition to whether a lesion has occurred, the patient’s own cleaning ability will also be taken into consideration, so as not to become a potential risk of infection or disease.

Wisdom teeth do not have to be removed   5 Do not neglect the situation

There are usually 4 wisdom teeth, and these 4 wisdom teeth may not all grow out. Some people may only have 1 or 2 wisdom teeth, and some may even have no wisdom teeth at all. Wisdom teeth do not necessarily need to be removed, unless it is malocclusion, pain, impacted wisdom teeth, tooth decay, or extrusion to adjacent teeth, which affects the health of the teeth. Let the teeth on the other side chew normally to avoid inconvenience in daily life.

There are many rumors of wisdom teeth extraction

Many people also say that after removing wisdom teeth, the face will become smaller. Is it true? In fact, this has no basis. It is different from orthodontic teeth and does not change the position of the teeth. It is even more popular in the market that only one wisdom tooth can be extracted at a time, otherwise there will be excessive blood loss. Under normal circumstances, wisdom tooth extraction will not cause excessive blood loss, so there is no need to worry too much.

If these conditions occur   be cautious before extraction

If women are in menstrual period or have gum inflammation, they should wait until the menstrual period is over and the inflammatory symptoms are relieved before they can perform tooth extraction; and if the patient suffers from chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, etc., it is easy to cause serious tooth extraction. Therefore, the attending physician should be informed before tooth extraction, and it can be performed after careful evaluation before surgery for safety. After the wisdom tooth is extracted, although it will not affect daily life, do not do too vigorous activities to avoid the wound being pulled apart again.

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