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10 Misunderstandings of Orthodontics, Never Step On

When the summer vacation is approaching, many parents will consult about their children’s orthodontics.

During the communication with my parents, I found that many people have a wrong understanding of orthodontics. There are also many adult friends who are hesitant to move forward because they don’t understand the relevant knowledge, and they miss the chance to obtain health and beauty.

This article is reproduced to refute rumors and correct misunderstandings. While combining professional experience, I will share with you the knowledge of orthodontics.

01 It’s okay to have irregular teeth

A mouthful of irregularly arranged teeth is far more harmful than you can imagine. For children, it is mainly reflected in the aspects of function, health and psychology, affecting the normal performance of children’s oral functions, such as chewing function, pronunciation function, and breathing function; affecting the beauty of the face; affecting the health of periodontal tissue and oral hygiene, causing Caries (dental teeth), tartar (tartar), gingivitis (bleeding gums), etc.; damage to the facial image affects children’s mental health, and severely affects their future self-assessment and expectations.

A foreign friend said after orthodontics: “The great changes in adolescence, I am now 25 years old, thank you for myself at that time.”

02 Orthodontics is cosmetic surgery

Some people think that orthodontics is a cosmetic surgery, which is of no use other than aesthetics.

Although orthodontics have a great influence on people’s appearance, orthodontics and plastic surgery are definitely two different things. True orthodontics first solves the problem of oral health, and then the problem of beauty. For example, an incorrect bite may cause temporomandibular joint disorders, and may even cause migraine; low chewing efficiency, affecting physical health, etc. These are the primary problems addressed by orthodontics.

It is not only those who have malformed teeth need to be corrected. Orthodontic correction also includes improving the occlusal relationship and function of the teeth, improving the facial shape, and the beauty of the soft tissue profile. Common in life, the teeth, the sky is covered, the jaw is missing, and the teeth are between If the gap is too large, it needs to be corrected, so there will be a miraculous effect comparable to plastic surgery.

03 Aligning the front teeth is correcting teeth

Orthodontic treatment is not only to align the front teeth, but more importantly, to establish a stable occlusal relationship between the upper and lower teeth, especially the large back teeth, and restore good oral chewing function. An important criterion for judging the quality of orthodontic treatment is the quality of the posterior teeth.

04 Orthodontics can only be done at the age of 12

This concept is actually partial, even harmful. With the continuous development of orthodontic technology, there is no limit to the age of orthodontics, but there is a period of best correction. Correction during the best correction period will require a shorter time and lower costs.

In Japan, orthodontics for children is divided into two stages:

1st stage correction (also called skeletal correction), mainly to improve the coordinated development of the jawbone while the child’s jawbone is developing, the best age is 3-12 years old;

Two-stage correction (also called orthodontics) mainly adjusts the position of the teeth to achieve a harmonious and orderly arrangement of the teeth and obtain a normal occlusion. The suitable age is 10 to adult.

Some children are effective in time due to the first-stage correction, and even the second-stage treatment can be omitted.

05 The elderly cannot straighten their teeth

This statement is completely wrong, whether it is an elderly or a child, tooth movement is just a process of bone remodeling in a living body. However, the individual situation of each elderly person is different, and the time to start correction is also different. Therefore, whether it is older or younger, it is possible to correct it.

This old American man is 75 years old and is undergoing orthodontics. It is said that after the correction, I am ready to do dental implants.

Some elderly patients suffer from periodontitis, which makes the teeth arrangement become loose and protruding. It is very laborious to brush the teeth and affects the appearance. After the periodontitis treatment is over, individual corrections can be made according to each individual’s situation, so that these patients can regain a tidy and confident dentition. It can also be said to be a blessing in disguise.

06 Correction without tooth extraction

“It is better not to extract the teeth” is the design principle of the orthodontic plan, but it does not mean that “the teeth can be corrected without extraction”.

Tooth extraction correction is very common in the treatment of orthodontics. About 60% of patients need extraction correction. Even if the teeth are not corrected, the wisdom teeth of most people are not in good position, which affects the health of periodontal and anterior teeth. In the history of orthodontics development, tooth extraction has withstood the test of clinical practice. For some diseases such as severely crowded teeth, protrusion must be corrected by tooth extraction. If the tooth is not extracted, not only the deformity cannot be corrected, but some teeth that have been exhausted and squeezed will soon return to the original deformity. After the tooth is extracted, there are gaps. These gaps generally do not need to be inserted. After the correction is completed, the gaps are mostly completely closed.

Because patients or parents hesitate to extract teeth, it often interferes with the doctor’s determination of orthodontic programs. In some cases, even if they barely need to be treated with tooth extraction, the final result is very unsatisfactory, and some cases can not even be treated without extraction.

07 The shorter the correction time, the better

There is a limit to the amount of tooth movement, generally 1.5 mm per month. Moving too fast will cause the teeth to loosen. Depending on the severity of the treatment, the course of treatment is different. Generally, it is about one to two years. Some doctors or patients apply too much correction force to shorten the time and do not follow the scientific rules. As a result, the pain of the patient is heavier, the tooth is too loose, and the patient is severe. It will cause the patient’s correction teeth to fall out.

Beautiful results, enough to survive a long process

08 The teeth are loose after correction

Recting the teeth will cause the teeth to shift, so it is normal to have a certain degree of looseness. When the tooth reaches the new “small nest”, the balance of the entire oral cavity naturally returns. Therefore, the oral environment will also stabilize here, and the so-called looseness will not exist.

09 Wearing plastic braces is the best choice for orthodontics

With the continuous advancement of orthodontic technology, in addition to traditional orthodontics, braces-free implicit orthodontics are gradually being recognized. Many patients hope to use transparent plastic braces to improve their dentition, with little pain and no pain. Too much affect the appearance. But in fact, although this technique sounds very ideal, it has high technical requirements for the surgeon. The patient must also cooperate fully and use braces uninterruptedly. Once the surgeon’s technical experience is not mature, the prediction error will occur. Or the patient’s failure to persist will result in longer treatment periods or even abandonment of all previous efforts. Therefore, if you are not sure about it, traditional orthodontic methods are still more secure.

010 The materials are the same, which one is cheaper to choose which one

Orthodontics is just sticking to a bracket. Those things are either metal or plastic. They are very cheap. You can find a doctor to do it. How expensive is it! This kind of thinking is very wrong! It lies with the doctor. The doctor’s plan design occupies 60% of the importance, and the doctor’s operation (such as bracket positioning, fine adjustment of the bite, etc.) occupies 30%!

An excellent orthodontist must have rich clinical experience, a solid theoretical foundation, and good eyesight. Otherwise, how can you rest assured that he will give you a whole tooth? He has calculated the direction and speed of each tooth in each cycle. We must urge you to follow up and encourage you to persist.

So, if you want to do orthodontics, don’t be delayed by misconceptions.

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